SURVEY 3: Draft Corridor Concepts and Visualizations
The conceptual visualizations illustrate potential future development scenarios in the four focus areas along Highway 43 under different development regulation approaches. These scenarios were developed from community input during the 2023 - 2024 engagement. These scenarios represent possible development outcomes under proposed code concepts for the focus areas in the corridor.
All three future scenarios show the Highway 43 right-of-way built out to the standards in the 2016 Highway 43 Concept Plan. The 2016 Highway 43 Concept Plan has already been approved and adopted by the City Council. Under this right-of-way plan, the typical preferred road cross section includes six-foot sidewalks, bicycle lane, a landscape buffer, one motor vehicle travel lane in each direction, and a two-way left-turn lane.
Right click on the image to open it in a new tab to enlarge the image. A PDF of the visualizations is posted in the Document section.