Upcoming Working Group and Advisory Meetings
VISION43 Working Group - 5th Meeting
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 1:30 to 3:30 pm
West Linn City Hall Bolton Room
Technical Advisory Committee 2nd Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 1:00 to 3:00 pm
The Technical Advisory Committee, composed of City staff and agency partners, provide essential technical and organizational support for implementing the Vision Plan.
VISION43 Working Group - 4th Meeting
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 1:30 to 3:30 pm
West Linn City Hall Bolton Room
Lower Boones Ferry Road Field Trip for City Councilors
October 11th - 9:00am to 12:00pm - Lake Oswego
City Councilors and the VISION43 project team will tour Lake Oswego's Lower Boones Ferry Road to understand the road improvement project that was completed in 2022. Like VISION43, Lake Oswego's LBFR Improvement Project sought to create a safe, welcoming, and convenient environment for pedestrians and cyclists, efficiently and safely accommodate auto traffic, treat stormwater naturally, and meet the needs of local businesses.
July 23rd - 1:00 to 3:00pm - West Linn City Hall Bolton Room
Review survey and community engagement results. Discuss draft Vision and Goals.
Highway 43 Evaluation Field Trip for City Councilors and Planning Commissioners
June 6th - 1:00 to 5:00 pm - Highway 43
City Councilors and Planning Commissioners take a field trip stopping at locations along Highway 43 to view conditions.
VISION43 Working Group - 1st Meeting
April 23, 2024 - 1:00 to 3:00pm - West Linn City Hall Bolton Room
Introduce project to the advisory group.
City Council Approval for VISION43
October 9, 2023 - 6:00pm West Linn City Hall Council Chambers
The West Linn City Council has been working towards implementing a new vision for the Highway 43 Corridor since the early 2000s. In 2006 and 2008, the City adopted the Bolton Neighborhood and Robinwood Plan, respectively. In 2011, the City conducted outreach to the communities, receiving strong support for transforming the corridor from primarily strip-mall commercial and single-family residential land uses into neighborhood centers with pedestrian-friendly environments.
The City adopted the 2016 Highway 43 Concept Plan to build this vision, calling for continuous improvements in the highway's pedestrian, bicycle, and road infrastructure. Seeking to change the environment adjacent to the highway, the City Council allocated funds in the 2024-25 budget cycle to reimagine corridor land uses, prioritize pedestrian and bicycle connections for safe access, recommend prioritized infrastructure improvements and financing options, and develop a Mixed-Use Zoning code chapter for the West Linn Community Development.
The City Council aims to create a destination corridor that offers West Linn residents an inviting place to live, work, and move safely and efficiently.